Learning Management

Employee Training and Development Platform

Welcome to a new day for Employee Training. Whether you’re focused on upskilling employees or cultivating a stronger culture for your entire distributed workforce, our LMS platform enables better engagement and thriving teams.

New Paths to Amplify Learning and Development

The best training is standardized, consistent, accurately identifies skill gaps, and is easy to assess for effectiveness, but that’s difficult to accomplish with a large and scattered team. Budgets are constrained and open source training can look enticing, but our L&D is customizable to your specialized career paths, enabling you to build the workforce of tomorrow with no capex, a pay-as-you-go model and global reach.

Maximize Your Employees Skill Development

50% boost in efficiency and adoption

Curate role-specific training paths using existing training resources. Enable micro-sized, standardized, self-paced learning modules that drive results with your employees.

Adaptable, replicable, and streamlined

Fuel your organizational growth with a training solution designed to be scaled across teams, departments, verticals, geographies and more

Task, skill, project-based automated training and inductions

Target training modules to specific skills, tasks or even projects and induction processes, using automation to accelerate course deployment.

Gamify engagement and track performance

Energize teams with gamified features like leaderboards, badges, and certifications. Integrate with your HRMS and performance management system, to enable training assignments and manager performance tracking.
Customized Training Modules by Talent Titan

Simple to Create Custom Micro Learning

Craft custom micro-learning training modules with ease. Train on relevant topics, boost retention by 90% with gamification. Set up modules, customize by region, and support mobile learning by default.
Customized Training Modules by Talent Titan
Automated badges and certifications by Talent Titan

Reports, Badges and Certifications for Decision-Making

Empower your decision-making process with easy to understand comparative, comprehensive and cumulative reports for evaluation.
Data Driven Reports by Talent Titan

Assessment Reports for Decision-Making

Gain valuable insights and data-driven perspectives with regional and location-based granularity to drive your organization forward. Use the data to focus training efforts where they can make the most impact.
Data Driven Reports by Talent Titan

Talent Titan Unleashes Tomorrow’s Potential.

Candidate pool for hiring
+ 0 %
Reductions in time and cost of training
0 %
Return on Investment
0 x


Employee satisfaction leading to improved retention

Candidates trained for roles
0 M+
Candidates certified
0 K+
Candidates inducted
0 K+

Discover How Our Customers Retain Employees with Cutting-Edge Training

How it Works



Identify and compile training resources in any format, including presentations, documents, recorded videos, and YouTube content.



Design and implement customized and structured training paths for employees.



Ensure relevant training modules are flagged to employees, and monitor progress and completion.



Automate certificates and badges based on predefined performance benchmarks and cut off percentages.

Proven performance in advancing teams

Our Clients Win the Talent Battle

Elevate Your Most Valuable
Assets: People

Optimize your learning and development process to maximize
your teams’ future potential.

Explore Our Solutions

Volume Hiring

Accelerate volume hiring with our AI-powered talent acquisition tools: brand, source, assess, filter & schedule with a uniquely streamlined process.
Data Driven Assessment Solutions with Talent Titan

Data Driven Assessments

Revolutionize your hiring process with data-driven assessments curated specifically and automatically for each and every role.

Talent Lifecycle Suite

Talent tech as exceptional as your teams: our unified solution spans talent acquisition, assessments, recruitment marketing and enriched learning & engagement.