How to choose a right career

Choosing a right career is a decision full of difficulties and challenges. It is a crucial judgement, not just because your future depends on it but also because it is what you will be pursuing professionally for a long duration of your life. For these reasons a career must not be chosen in haste or without understanding its implications on one’s life.

A famous quote by Confucius says, “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” As inspiring as it sounds, there is a big truth in undertaking what you love doing as a career.

Through this blog post, we will walk you through everything you need to understand about L&D for your organization. First things first!
Ask yourself questions: The foremost thing to do is ask yourself as many questions as you can. These may include, “What is it that I love to do?”, “Will this career be motivating 5 years later?”, “What are the growth opportunities in the field?”, “How will I personally be affected by my career?”, “Why is a certain field interesting to me?” Pen down these questions and analyse your choices.

List down the options to explore:

Exploring different options is a great idea to make progress in choosing the right career. Narrow down your options by asking questions for every career option that you pick.

1. Meet counsellors:

Meeting counsellors and interacting experienced people for exploring a suitable career and gathering information can help in getting insights to the right path for you.
2. Identify your aspirations:

Ultimately it is you who has to live with the choices that you make. So, make sure that you identify your goals both professionally and personally and choose a career that bridges the gap between the two.

You must know what you value, enjoy, and cherish in your life. Knowing what you want to be known for, in the world can be a great way of choosing a career.

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