How to hire the best talent through a seamless and effective recruitment process?

The process of hiring has evolved over the years. No longer is the market of recruitment heavier on the hiring firm side. Applicants are more picky ones while choosing a company. These days if you want to get your hands on the best of talents, your recruitment process needs to be more alluring. Speaking of which, getting a hack on a seamless and effective recruitment process is a process in itself. You adapt to the process that suits your company the best or replicate the process of leading companies to avail the advantage of top-notch talent for your firm.

Through this blog post, we will walk you through the most efficient process of recruitment and the prevalent hiring styles guaranteed to get you the best results.


Recruiting process begins at the stage you decide to take hiring action in your firm and ends with the successful onboarding of an applicant. There are a series of steps in between which includes a screening of applications, assessments, interview process, referral checks, offer acceptance and onboarding. The entire flow of the process one after the other is what we call the recruitment process.

Let’s understand this process in detail for a thorough understanding.


Whether yours is a company that makes less than 5 hires yearly or yours is an ever-expanding team, the hiring process needs to be in line. Marketing the job post through multiple sources is crucial.


Consider advertising your job position as you would do with any product. You need to reach potential talent, attract them, tell them why you are better than others and persuade them to apply to your firm. Bring out your wit, company values and fun element while posting a job advert. Choose the digital platforms that are often used by your potential applicants.
The success of recruitment marketing lies in reaching your target applicants and capturing their interest in your company.


A successful campaign should generate awareness, should consider job seeker needs and should pursue them to make a fruitful decision.

  • Promote your job ads beyond the usual places. Of course, heavily endorse your job ads on LinkedIn, Indeed, and other job platforms. But look for places where you would find your choice of the crowd the best. For an instance, if you are hiring for some technical roles, some tech expert community on social media could be your place. If you are looking for writers, a writer community or a platform like Medium could be your best pick. The point is, to choose the platform that is actively sourced by your targeted applicants.

  • Social media has evolved itself from a fun and socializing activity to a professional platform. The possibility of your job ads performing well on social media is now greater than that of job platforms. Not only that, potential applicants usually source through the company’s social media handles before applying to the post. Portray your company values, fun environment, benefits, product USP’s, and everything else that makes you the dream company to work in. Make your social media page a representation of your company’s offerings

  • Don’t leave room for confusion. Be straightforward with your job description. The problem in hiring occurs when the company or the HR is unaware of the role they are hiring for. Just copy-pasting a regular job description isn’t going to attract the top talent from the industry. Be specific with what you want from the candidate who would fill the position and what you are going to offer. Make it creative but don’t overload it with jargon. A simple detailed job description is sufficient to attract potential job applicants.

  • Build your own career page. When the candidate pays heed to your job post, they should be redirected to this career page. A career page gives the candidate an idea about your entire hiring process and could source for themselves better vacancies if any. A well-curated career page answers every question of the candidate be it regarding the company, work culture, policies or job role. Ease the decision making for any potential candidate by strengthening the back end of your company.

  • Be a step ahead in the game of recruitment. The success of recruitment not only lies in reaching potential job seekers. It equally lies in attracting individuals who make for a good fit but aren’t actively looking for a job change. Reach out to passive candidates with your job application; directly and indirectly. Attract them to apply for the position and if not give them a cue of your presence. It would reward you in future with a better talent pool.


Once the job is heavily advertised, next comes the process of waiting for applications. The easiest way is to fix a deadline on the application process. And once applications start trickling, begins the thorough screening process.

However, in order to receive applications, ensure that users experience utmost ease while applying for the job. This can be done through an easy redirecting link to all your job ads. Every user who wishes to apply should be redirected to a common page wherein they can easily apply.

For selective job roles, you can screen the applicants before even candidates apply for the job. To simplify, a questionnaire or a small assessment could ensure the fit of the candidate for the open role. Now, most of the job roles these days asks for assessment with the application itself. This saves a lot of time for companies to avoid unfruitful screening. AI-powered tools can parse resumes that is fit for the role and reject the other applications on your behalf. Moreover, in this digital world, assessments are usually undertaken digitally. Through video proctoring, gamified assessment tools and coding tools you can ensure the optimized quality of applicants for the job role.

Whether you have a hiring team managing the operations of recruitment or whether you have tied up with talent agencies to find your requisite talent, the use of an AI-powered resume parser could reward you tremendously. A resume parser would save a ton of time in reviewing and screening applications, which in turn would leave you with qualified and suitable candidates. This would result in the closing job post quickly and reduced cost to your organization.


Once the resume is screened, next comes the assessment process. You need to check the functional and technical skill sets of individuals before you call them for an interview. This would save you a lot of time and would get you candidates who are best suited to perform responsibilities associate with the job they would be hired for. As a recruiting manager, you need to ensure that the assessments are competitive and at par with the skills expected from the hire.

If you need a unique talent, you need to adopt a unique approach to hiring them. Hackathons, Ideathons, case study competitions and hiring contests are gaining extreme popularity these days amongst both recruiters and applicants. Need the best coder for a tech expert for your highly functioning firm? Organize a hackathon. Organize a contest and hire the one that proves their mettle. Gamified assessments and competitive contest bring forth not only the highly skilled acumen in the industry, but it helps you get the best candidates for the open job profiles.

At Talent Titan, we offer highly valid and unbiased assessments through our well comprehensive assessment activities. You can hire across the spectrum of job roles and rely on our assessments which include technical skill assessments, cognitive and aptitude tests, personality tests, English language assessments, Case study-based tests, as well as leadership tests. Not only that we also ensure the integrity of assessments with our AI-powered recruitment proctoring.

Recruitment is an extremely costly process. A wrong hire could cost you loads of money, time spent in training and unaccounted time lost in hiring. Did you know that nearly 74% of employers feel like they made a wrong hire for the job? Be it in terms of skills, ethics, or correlation of common goals, most of the time we end up hiring the wrong people because we don’t work on our recruitment methods. When your recruitment methods are strong you end up hiring someone who would prove to be a fruitful investment.

Before calling candidates for interview, a modern-day tool named One-Way Interview can be used to record and review responses of candidates on technical and functional questions. This tool effectively helps in assessing candidate’s Technological Knowledge, Body Language, and Time Management Skills all at once.

With Talent Titan as your recruitment partner, you get access to the best assessment tool, the most comprehensive assessment library catering to any job role you want hire for, state-of-art One-Way interview tool, AI driven analytics reports, among others, as a bouquet of assessment solutions.

Keep it absolutely simple. You don’t want to disrupt the attention of learners. Whether you are creating content on your own or getting it outsourced, microlearning is effective only when the contents of learning are kept simple. Keep it visually rich with images, graphics, charts and infographics. The video should be easy flowing and engaging. Always focus on a topic and don’t try to divulge more topics into a single module.
If you are getting it outsourced, ensure that you choose the provider that assures you quality content, videos and enriching information.


Once done with the personal interview, you undertake the last step of referral check. When you are assured send the offer to the candidate and stay in touch with them till they make a decision. Offer clarity as to how the candidates can accept the job offer. It can be through a call, email or a message. Once you receive a confirmation, start working on the onboarding of the candidate.

Ensure that the entire process is smooth and easy for the applicants. Think thoroughly and work on improvising the candidate onboarding experience

The larger your organization is more complexities and challenges would you face in your recruitment activities. This is the very reason to automate and make resourceful use of technologies for your advantage. Empowering AI automated recruitment tools would benefit you prolifically in every term. Be it in terms of quick hire, screening of right candidates or reduction in hiring costs, recruitment technologies would power you to be a better hiring firm.

Since we are gradually proceeding towards the digital world, it is important to modify your recruitment strategies with the convenience of digitization.

The chart below gives a glimpse of the top 5 recruitment trends followed by top hiring companies.

Recruitment could be quite a complex task and not everyone’s cup of tea. Especially when yours is a large-scale organization consistently scaling in terms of size, you need a professional recruiter to undertake recruiting tasks for you. Talent Titan could be your desired partner to ease the search for talent at cost-effective rates. Avail the advantage of our scientifically designed hiring tools and get access to top-notch talent on our platform. We have a strong curated pool of candidates leveraged through hackathons, top-notch sourcing channels, the Talent Titan community and hiring contests. We help you screen, assess and hire the best talent through our AI-powered tools, interactive report and ATS tools.

In a nutshell, a recruitment process designed taking into consideration the needs of the organization, candidates and future objectives will lead you to hire the best talent for your organization. Be smart with your process to save cost and time – two of the most valuable resources for every company. Hire the brightest talent for your company with a modern age AI and Gamification driven thorough and effective recruitment process.

Get in touch with us to avail our services