Carnival style virtual hiring drive-campus recruitment

Our world today is undoubtedly digital. Innovation and digitization have become the survival kit, driving industries to stay adaptive, futuristic and empathetic. In the last decade, every industry has witnessed the significance of digital transformation. The enterprises are striving to digitize their fundamental processes to perform better, and the recruitment process is no different.
Campus hiring has also witnessed this revolution in the last decade. In order to attract the right talent, Talent acquisition teams are now focusing on building the brand image of employers. Hence, the campus hiring is no more is restricted to a room with an interview panel and an anxious student trying to impress. The tables have turned. The brands are also striving to have campus engagements and leave a positive impression by embracing technology and virtual drives.
With the outbreak of COVID-19, and the imposed restrictions or mandates, the hiring drives were completely stopped. Campus hiring took a toll and consequently, over 80 per cent of colleges in India struggled to place their students and virtual drives became the necessity, not the choice.
To make sure that students do not suffer due to discontinued operations, institutions adopted a technology-enabled teaching and learning model through communication tools. While this ensured continuity, teacher-student engagement, administrative processes and industry engagement were still not in place. Ironically, this was the time that we are witnessing the ‘great resignation’, a trend that has been observed wherein numerous employees are quitting in masses, in the west and also in India. The situation in India is not as dire but concerning. Following this trend, the companies are hiring at unprecedented rates. Hence, this is the time when many companies are embracing the digital transformation of the recruitment process by opting for carnival-style hiring drives virtually.


Campus recruitment drives are a very common method of selecting fresh candidates and a young workforce. Now the same process has come on the online platform. Like many other transformations, the carnival-style virtual hiring drive on campus has become a ‘new normal’.
Carnival-style hiring drives gather a large pool of talents on one platform. The drive particularly indicates a carnival-style gathering where employers and skilled candidates come together. They meet each other and depending upon the requirements of the job profile the recruitment process occurs. It is a way of finding the right candidate among the pool of several potential candidates for the job position. It is a convenient way of executing the hiring process and developing the right human resources.
Furthermore, it can also be known as a mass hiring drive. However, the mass gathering is not feasible for numerous reasons, COVID-19 mandates are one of them. That’s why companies and campuses are opting for virtual means. The carnival-style virtual hiring drives encompass the mass gathering of employers and candidates on a virtual platform. In a carnival style virtual hiring drives most of things are similar to a normal campus hiring drive, except it happens virtually through screens and makes the process more engaging and time efficient.


When the world was suffering from the breakout of COVID-19, companies were shifting towards online operations in order to sustain themselves. Before this pandemic, 17% of the U.S. employees were working from home 5 days or more per week, the share increased to a whopping 44% during the pandemic.


Currently, more than 16% of companies in the world operate 100% remotely. This shift was also seen in the hiring process of the companies. As there was no other option available, companies were forced to meet their human resource needs through online recruitment drives. The recruitment process transformation which was born out of necessity in the crisis is gradually becoming the go-to method. Here is why!


The world was anyways going digital, but the Covid-19 has accelerated the process. In the year 2020, for recruitments and hiring the number one choice of companies was “job portals”.
The Carnival-style virtual campus hiring drives will combine the top sources of recruitment like job portals, professional networking and social media, consultants, and campus hires.
Here is why it is beneficial to choose
The carnival-style virtual hiring drive enhances the reach of HR managers. The top universities and colleges all around the world can be targeted with virtual means. The gathering and scrutinizing would not require huge resources and time. It is an amazing way of dissolving boundaries and finding the right talent.
Hence, virtual campus placements have enabled employers to transcend geographical boundaries and distances. They can easily move to Tier-2 and even Tier-3 campuses to hire skilled talent. As the geographical boundaries cease to exist, companies can go beyond the physical boundaries to acquire the right talent.
The resources and funds play a major role in executing the recruitment drives. Companies try to optimize their resources to find the right candidates. Gathering and collecting a large pool of candidates, taking physical interviews, managing the documentation process physically, etc. involves a lot of resource consumption. The whole process is also very time-consuming. The limitation of resources helps in promoting the use of carnival-style virtual hiring drives.
When it’s to campus recruitment, there are various factors like student screening, documentation, etc. which includes a lot of complex processes. The physical execution of such processes presents a huge inconvenience along with a high probability of errors. The virtual hiring process however reduces the negative aspects of the hiring drive to a large extent.

The administration of a Carnival-style virtual hiring drive is very easy. Platforms like Talent Titan provides efficient tools which help in conducting and management of carnival style hiring drives in hassle-free and cost-effective manners. This is not possible for the physical drives, where huge resource incorporation and workforce are required. The narrowed means help in optimizing the productivity and efficiency of the whole virtual hiring process.

There are millions of candidates who take part in the campus recruitment process. However, not all of them are a perfect fit for your vacancies. Through tools like resume parser, one-way interview, talent assessment, coding tests, virtual interview, AI driven analytics and ATS integration of Talent Titan, you can distinguish the talented and skilled candidates. Such tools make the entire process of hiring much easier.

The flexibility that carnival-style virtual hiring drives provide is unmatched. The candidates don’t need to wait in long lines for hours to appear in the interview. Similarly, the employers or HR managers don’t need to work on an ad-hoc timing to find the desired candidates. The interview time has technically decreased along with low resource consumption.
Conventionally, candidates needed to wait in the queue for an interview to take place at a campus or the potential employer’s organization. One of the significant benefits of virtual interviews is that a time slot is booked in advance that is feasible for all. This results in effective time management for all parties involved.

The Gen Z job seekers acknowledge tech-savvy organizations. It is observed that the Gen-Z job seekers are less likely to appear for organizations that are using conventional methods of hiring. Hence, the organizations that are in search of top talent should make sure that they are perceived as a contemporary and adaptive brand. Using the virtual model allows organizations to showcase their grip on state-of-the-art technology by engaging with the candidates on an effective online platform like Talent Titan

One of the most important things that the pandemic has taught us is that physical presence is not the priority. The recurring challenges of the physical space have made the online option more alluring. For instance, expensive venue rental and logistics are not required anymore. There are no hefty travel price tags as all you have to do is come online!
The projection of hiring drives has always been very limited when it’s to their physical execution. This limits the reach of talent acquisition along with increased resource consumption.
HR managers have always been very keen on selecting young blood as they offer innovative approaches and higher productivity. The Carnival-style virtual hiring drive integrates young talent acquisition with resource optimization. This presents a complete win-win situation for the hiring companies. The current time asks for technical adaptability in all domains, which also includes human resource development. It makes it more efficient and faster. This aspect can’t be neglected while thinking about virtual hiring drives.

While the carnival-style virtual hiring drives have various advantages, their execution requires high-grade technical applications and knowledge. That’s why various companies fear away from incorporating carnival-style virtual hiring drives in their campus recruitment. But missing such a great opportunity because of the lack of technical know-how will be a bad decision. To resolve such issues, companies like Talent Titan come into play.

Talent Titan is a platform where you can meet all your recruitment and hiring process need. It offers integrated support for your virtual hiring process execution. From taking care of talent sourcing and assessment to operating the mass scale engagement, Talent Titan streamlines support for all functions. Talent Titan provides three technical tools for supporting your carnival-style virtual hiring process. Together these offer integrated support which provides 100% efficiency.

The campus hiring tools of Talent Titan provides more than 1000 skills support for screening and evaluation. The companies can assess candidates using the Talent Titan library that includes 400k+ questions, across 1000+ Technical and Functional skills. The platform enables easy personalization of effective and unbiased assessment tests like

Moreover, the platform offers the flexibility of appearing for the evaluation from any location. This significantly increases the resource optimization of the company for the evaluation step. It also includes employer branding support to present a rich engagement experience on the campus through hackathons, ideathons, etc.
The platform has a nationwide partnership with 5000+ Institutes/Universities. It is acknowledged as India’s first Artificial Intelligence-driven Gamified assessment platform, with Codelyzer as its cutting-edge coding assessment platform. The best-in-class coding assessment tool aided with AI-powered Video Proctoring and analytics make it ahead of the pack.
Consequently, the platform evidently decreases the cost of administration and execution by 50% resulting in huge resource optimization. It provides a chance for diverse workforce building for different job functions.

Moreover, Talent Titan makes sure that candidates also get an engaging and interactive hiring process. The platform features real-time dashboard support for the comparison of candidates. This provides a better SWOT analysis and increased accuracy for finding the right candidate. The data-driven and analytical hiring process make sure that you get a perfect cultural fit for your work atmosphere.

Also, other features include acquiring real-time data and providing perspective on ROI. The hosts can always review and assess how the campuses and job seekers have embraced the virtual shift. This helps them in planning future recruitment initiatives.
After COVID-19, most of the operations have become online. This also includes the hiring process of human resources. Consequently, the recruitment landscape is witnessing an unprecedented transformation, especially in the area of campus placement. Although, this presents a few challenges in front of the hiring managers in terms of accessibility and management. Conducting online hiring processes on large scale is a major challenge. Along with it, processing and scrutinizing desired talent is also not easy through online methods. When it comes to functionality limitations, they can even break instead of make recruitment a success. Hence, the need for finding innovative solutions is ever-increasing.

With state-of-art technology, a reliable platform like Talent Titan offer trusted solutions. One of these solutions is a carnival-style hiring drive. The execution of carnival virtual hiring drives is not easy on the technical front. Talent Titan offers great support to the hiring companies and HR managers who wish to opt for a carnival-style campus hiring process virtually. The Carnival-style virtual hiring process comes as a feasible option to search for talent worldwide. It offers great flexibility and better precision in distinguishing and selecting top talent.

So, if your organization is witnessing the heat of the “great resignation” or looking for fresh talent, you don’t have to go on multiple hiring platforms. All you have to do is choose AI powered gamified platform like Talent Titan to screen, interview and evaluate and select best talents.

Happy Hiring!