Software Engineering

Data Scientist Assessment

Question:25 Time:30 mins Format:Multiple Choice Questions, Video, Descriptive Skills: Statistical analysis and Computing, Database Management, Data Wrangling, Data Visualization, Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning

Skills Evaluated in the Assessment

The assessment is designed to test technical and functional skills of the candidate in a comprehensive fashion. Technical skills evaluated through the assessment include Statistical analysis and Computing, Database Management, Data Wrangling, Data Visualization, Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Cloud Computing, among others. Functional skills such as Communication, Interpersonal, Decision Making, Analytical Thinking are also evaluated. The skills are assessed through Multiple Choice, Descriptive, Video and Case Study based questions.

Job Summary

Data scientists are responsible for utilising analytical, statistical, and programming skills to collect, analyse, and interpret large data sets. They then make use of this information to develop data-driven solutions to address difficult business challenges. Data scientists need to possess an array of technical competencies such as statistics, computing, coding languages, databases, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and reporting technologies.