Software Engineering

DevOps Engineer Assessment

Question: 25 Time:30 mins Format:Multiple Choice Questions, Video, Descriptive Skills: Linux Fundamentals and Scripting, Coding, Cloud Computing, GIT, Gradle, Jenkins, AWS, Continuous Integration, Source Code Management, Configuration Management, Continuous Integration, Continuous Testing, Continuous Monitoring

Skills Evaluated in the Assessment

The assessment is designed to test skills such as Linux Fundamentals and Scripting, Coding, Cloud Computing, Source Code Management, Configuration Management, Continuous Integration, Continuous Testing, Continuous Monitoring, Version Management needed to succeed as a DevOps Engineer. Knowledge of relevant tools and technologies such as GIT, Confluence, Gradle, Jenkins, AWS, GCP, Azure, Docker, Kubernetes are evaluated. Functional skills such as Communication, Interpersonal, Stakeholder Management, Decision Making, Analytical Thinking are also assessed. The skills are assessed through Multiple Choice, Descriptive, Video and Case Study based questions.

Job Summary

DevOps engineers are responsible for deploying, maintaining, monitoring, and supporting the IT infrastructure. They also look after: writing scripts for service quality analysis, monitoring and operation; designing procedures for system troubleshooting and maintenance; quality control and management of the code base; investigating and resolving technical issues by deploying updates and fixes.