Software Engineering

Front End Developer Assessment

Question:20 Time:70 mins Format:Multiple Choice Questions, Video, Coding, Descriptive Skills: JavaScript, Responsive Design, HTML, CSS, React, Node.js, MySQL

Skills Evaluated in the Assessment

The assessment evaluates technical and functional skills of the candidate thoroughly. Technical skills tested through the assessment include JavaScript, Responsive Design, HTML, CSS, React, Node.js, MySQL, JSON, DOM, SEO etc. Functional and temperamental skills such as Communication, Interpersonal, Stakeholder Management, Problem Solving, and Analytical Thinking are also evaluated. The skills are assessed through Coding, Multiple Choice, Descriptive, Video and Case Study based questions.

Job Summary

A front-end developer, also called front end web developer, is responsible for the design and development of aesthetically appealing and functionally easy and intuitive websites and webpages ensuring great user experience. His duties also include optimizing web pages to ensure high loading speed, scalability and responsiveness across devices such as desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones.