Software Engineering

Network Administrator Assessment

Question:20 Time:30 mins Format:Multiple Choice Questions, Video, Descriptive Skills: System Administration, Troubleshooting, NOC, CCNA, Routing and switching, VPN tunnels

Skills Evaluated in the Assessment

The assessment is designed to test skills and capabilities needed to excel as a Network Administrator. Skills evaluated through the test include System Administration, Troubleshooting, NOC, CCNA, Routing and switching, VPN tunnels. Functional skills such as Communication, Interpersonal, Time Management, Organization Skills, Problem Solving, and Analytical Thinking are also assessed. Skills are assessed through Multiple Choice, Descriptive, Video and Case Study based questions.

Job Summary

Network Administrators are responsible for the maintenance, configuration, and reliable operation of computer networks. They install, configure, and support an organization’s local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), and Internet systems or a segment of a network system. They monitor network performance to determine whether adjustments need to be made, and track network usage. They also analyze and resolve network hardware and software problems in a timely and accurate fashion.