Software Engineering

Quality Assurance Engineer Assessment

Question:25 Time:30 mins Format:Multiple Choice Questions, Video, Descriptive Skills: SDLC, Agile Development Process, Functional and Non-Functional Testing, Manual Testing, Automated Testing, Databases, SQL

Skills Evaluated in the Assessment

This assessment is designed to test knowledge of SDLC, Agile Development Process, Functional and Non-Functional Testing, Manual Testing, Automated Testing, Databases, SQL, Project Management. Knowledge of relevant tools and technologies such as Selenium, Cucumber, Postman, SonarQuba, Device Emulators, JIRA etc. are assessed. Functional skills such as Communication, Interpersonal, Stakeholder Management, Decision Making, Analytical Thinking are also evaluated. The skills are assessed through Multiple Choice, Descriptive, Video and Case Study based questions.

Job Summary

Quality Assurance Engineers are responsible for monitoring every phase of the software development process, including design, development, testing, debugging and delivery. They assess the quality of specifications, technical design documents and create tests to identify issues with software before the product launch.