Accounting and Finance

Wealth Manager Assessment

Question:25 Time:30 mins Format:Multiple Choice Questions, Video, Descriptive Skills: Financial Planning, Financial Research & Analysis, Security Analysis, Investment Instruments, Capital Market Proficiency

Skills Evaluated in the Assessment

The assessment is designed to test skills and capabilities needed to excel as a Wealth Manager. Skills evaluated through the test include Financial Planning, Financial Research & Analysis, Security Analysis, Investment Instruments, Capital Market Proficiency, Portfolio Management, Life Insurance, Client Relationships. Functional competencies such as Interpersonal skills, Organizational, Decision Making, Analytical and Critical Thinking are also evaluated. Skills are assessed through Multiple Choice, Descriptive, Video and Case Study based questions.

Job Summary

Wealth Managers offer a range of financial services including asset investment advice, estate planning, tax services based on client’s financial goals, risk tolerance, and current asset allocation. They conduct financial planning, investment management, and assist in preserving and generating wealth.